Sarah Bernhardt, A French actress on the english stage. ELAIN ASTON. [ CİLTLİ ŞÖMİZLİ ], Berg, Oxford, 1978

Özgün şömizli cildinde, çok sayıda sayfada fosforlu kalemle üstü çizili satırlar var, okumaya engel değil, 23x15 cm, 173 sayfa, siyah beyaz resimli. İngilizce. n this vivid portrait of one of the most famous actresses of her time, Aston focuses on Bernhardt`s London stage career, from her dazzling early performances to her later years, when the septuagenarian actress still gave short performances to music hall audiences. By making use of contemporary critical documentation from the London theatre world, the author is able to offer a fascinating reassessment of Bernhardt`s life and work.