The Century Co. antetli ve amblemli kağıda daktilo ile yazılı mektup. "Memoirs of Halide Edib" [i.e. Halide Edib'in Hatıraları] kitabının bir nüshasının gönderildiği, Halide Edib ile ilgili kısa bilgilendirmenin olduğu ve muhatabın kitapla ilgili yorumlarının beklendiğinin ifade edildiği mektup. Hatıratın sansürsüz olarak basıldığı ünlü Amerikalı yayınevinden gelen daktilo mektubun içeriği şu şekildedir: "We take pleasure in forwarding to you under separate cover a review copy of THE MEMOIRS OF HALIDE EDIB, an autobiograhy which is at once vivid, forceful, and unique in the fashion of life which it historicizes. Halide Edib, Turkey's great woman leader, daughet of a powerful Turkish house, as you doubtless know is the outstanding woman politican as well as novelist of her country. The first graduate of the American College for Girls, Madame Edib became involved in politics and side by side with Kemal sha blazed the way for the new nationalism. She organized the first Department of Education under Kemal, serving as its first minister. Her autobigraphy is a unique picture of a real Turkish woman, one who has written with great skill, with narrative force and vigor, the record of a rarely eventful life. We should be much interested in seeing your opinion of her book and clippings of your review will be appreciated. Sincerely yours, JR/JE THE CENTURY CO. Publishers of Enduring Books." 28 x 20 cm
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